Degree of Doctor
Honoris causa Sister Aelred Timmins RSM Sister Aelred Timmins RSM is a nun and a member of the Sisters …
Mercy Beginnings in Great Britain
Catherine McAuley opened the first Convent of Mercy in England at Bermondsey, London in 1839. “The six travellers leave dear Ireland …
Sister Kathleen Mary’s Platinum Jubilee
This year 2022 will go down in history as the year of the Platinum Jubilee. For many this will mean …
St Mary’s Convent
St Mary’s Convent was founded by Venerable Catherine McAuley on 19 August 1841 in response to the request of the …
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Congregation Greeting to Her Majesty Inspired by Sister Anne Reddington’s beautiful painting for Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, I found on …
Church & Society in Great Britain
Catholic faith was kept alive in these lands during the Reformation period by the courage and loyalty of the Catholic …
I once attended a talk given by Eileen Malone and her first words were I want to tell you about …
Spread of Mercy Convents
Following Catherine’s death, other foundations followed rapidly; some direct from Baggot Street, others from Convents throughout Ireland. Quite soon these …
Spring Garden in Addo
Beautiful blossoms in different areas of our garden despite the brown patches due to lack of rain.