Catherine McAuley animated the Sisters with her own zeal to see the needs of Christ's suffering poor. Under the special protection of Mary, Mother of Mercy, Catherine animates us constantly to seek out those who need help today.
Catherine McAuley animated the Sisters with her own zeal to see the needs of Christ's suffering poor. Under the special protection of Mary, Mother of Mercy, Catherine animates us constantly to seek out those who need help today.
Welcome to the Union of the Sisters of Mercy Great Britain website
“We may address God as we would a dear friend to whom we owed a great deal”
- Venerable Catherine McAuley
“As Sisters of Mercy, we are called by the Spirit of God into a Religious Congregation whose special charism is mercy.”
- Constitutions 2
"... we surrender our entire lives to God in a consecration which flows from and deepens our baptismal calling.”
- Constitutions 33
“Will you tell the Sisters to get a good cup of tea - I think the Community room would be a good place – when I am gone, and to comfort one another, but God will comfort them”.
- Venerable Catherine McAuley 11th November 1841
Our Life of Prayer – rooted in God “Prayer is a plant, the seed of which is sown in the heart of every Christian, but its growth depends on the care we take to nourish it.”
- Venerable Catherine McAuley
‘God’s mercy is from age to age…’
- Luke 1:50