Sister Mary Cecily’s Letter to “Africa” Magazine

The following letter from Sister Mary Cecily was included in the magazine “Africa” of the St Patrick’s Missionary Society (Kiltegan Fathers):

Letter of the month

This letter is long overdue! While rereading the May 2023 issue of Africa I was so delighted, thrilled and excited to see the article on the Kairos Prison ministry. I worked on the programme for over 18 years in the Verne Prison on Portland and loved every minute of it. Such a wonderful and rewarding way to serve prisoners and their families. I was also involved in the Kairos Outside project. This was for all female relatives of prisoners to give them the experience of the programme that the men inside were undergoing.

During those years I saw an amazing change in many people’s lives as they turned to God through prayer, love, kindness and concern of the Kairos family all working on their behalf. How blest we all were with positive heartening results of the Spirit moving among us.

Thank you for printing the article—it evoked many happy memories for me.
Yours in Christ,
Sr Mary Cecily

Sr Mary Cecily won the magazine’s Letter of the Month Book Prize