Millie woke up rather early and the little murmurings alerted me to be ready for whatever was to come; it could be peace or war. Sitting on the side of her bed I waited. After she had looked up, rubbed her eyes a few times, yawned once more she said “Juice Auntie Moira”.
I handed her a little pouch of cranberry juice and suggested all the things we could do together once her little brother had gone to the crèche. Having finished the juice she stood up in her bed, put her arms around me and gave me a hug. No words were spoken or needed to be spoken. Eventually Millie was changed, washed, dressed and playfully had her breakfast. There was an occasional ‘no, no ’as the dress was a little tight placing it over her head.
Mid-morning, with her tiny hand in mine, we went for a short walk. We stopped occasionally to pick up ‘forget-me-nots, and buttercups to take to nanny in hospital. (Nanny is her regular baby- sitter.) Millie’s favourite saying is ‘I’m so excited’ and I heard it often on this walk. After a short time she stands in front of me, looks up at me and with arms outstretched says ‘I’m tired’. I picked her up, and with her little arms around my neck and her little legs around my waist we returned home. I placed her on a blanket on the couch where she had a peaceful nap. Such love and trust between us without very many words was awesome.
How could I do otherwise but contemplate on the words of Jesus “Be like little children”.
As we journey towards the birthday of Mary, the renewal of our vows on Mercy Day and Catherine’s birthday, may our hearts be set free to trust, and serve the God who loves us unconditionally.