February Prayer Reflection 2019
I received a Christmas gift of a DVD - “The Magic of the Musicals” and one of the tracks is “I will follow Him” from the film “Sister Act.”

You may recall the words sung by the Sisters’ choir:

“I will follow Him
Follow Him wherever He may go
And near Him I will always be
For nothing can keep me away
He is my destiny.”

It seemed an appropriate song during the Christmas days as we heard of different ways and forms of following – the shepherds following the instructions of an angel, the Magi following a star and Simeon and Anna following the prompting of the Spirit. Each following their own distinctive route and each coming to know the touch of God in the person of Jesus.
We too have responded to a call to follow, each in our own time and own way. Our following of Christ may not always go with a swing (as does the song!) However, in these early weeks of a new year, as we reflect on our call to follow, we are encouraged to renew our commitment, find new energy and, perhaps, dare to do things differently. (You will remember that the song “I will follow Him” begins its life as a popular song. It becomes a prayer/a hymn when sung in a different context.)


Our Foundress has spoken of the joy that comes from following:

“Nothing troubles the truly obedient soul, for she simply seeks and follows the  ever-blessed Will of God.”

and Catherine has shown us the way:

“Mercy, the principle path pointed out by Jesus Christ to those who are desirous of following Him.”

“Ever since he touched my heart, I knew There isn’t an ocean too deep A mountain so high it can keep Keep me away, away from His love I love Him, I love Him, I love Him And where He goes I’ll follow.”