December Prayer Reflection 2018
ADVENT – A TIME OF WAITING ‘Be patient therefore, beloved, until the coming of the Lord.’
James 5.7


Advent comes to me just when I need it; not only is it a time to begin a new Church year, but it allows me to stop and gently calms me… if I let it.

Advent is about Waiting….
I do a lot of waiting in my life… for the kettle to boil… for the bus to come… in the supermarket queue… for the rain to go off.

(Take a few minutes to think about any waiting you may have done so far today.)

I wait in church for Mass to start… I wait in line to receive the Eucharist and now, in Advent I am waiting for the birth of the baby.

How do I deal with my waiting, especially during Advent?

Waiting in Advent is my call to be patient… to be quiet… to use my waiting time to hear what the Lord has to say to me in the big and little events in my life.

Lord, calm me and settle me in my waiting. Give me the pause of patience, to listen and to love you just as you continue to love me with a never-ending patient and constant love. Amen