The Mini Vinnies, the junior branch of the St Vincent de Paul Society, at Crackley Hall School (formerly St Joseph’s Convent School) helped organise a fund raising event in aid of the Sister Mary Aloysius College in Nigeria. The event was a sponsored Skipathon in which participants chose to hop, skip or jump, without stopping, for one minute. A member of the school Chaplaincy team was on hand, as were some Senior School Prefects equipped with stop watches.
I was invited to the school to receive the cheque. Two of the girls held the presentation cheque with the back facing the assembled pupils and staff. There were gasps of surprise as they turned around to reveal the total raised: £2838.73.
Fortunately, I was not expected to carry the presentation cheque on the train! The Principal of the School in Nigeria had provided information on the needs of the school. Besides replacing the roof blown off in a storm, there are plans to:
…extend the Junior Department so more children could receive an education;
…improve the Home Economics Department where all students learn Catering;
…to add to the number of footballs and basketballs.

When changed to Nigerian Naira (£1.00 = 458.7 Naira) the money raised will go a long way to making these improvements possible.
Sincere thanks to the children, their sponsors and the school community for this effort.